Planning Ahead

SEPIO Guard - Away From Home Assurance

  • Why SEPIO Guard?

    Passing away while traveling is the last thing you'd ever expect to happen, but unfortunately it happens. The financial and emotional burden of dealing with a death away from home can be devastating.

    Most travel and health insurance plans do not offer coverage for a death that occurs away from home. When a death occurs away from home, the costs to return a deceased individual can range and even exceed $5,000 to $10,000. In addition to the cost, working with local and foreign governments can be challenging. Laws and regulations vary  by state and country, and they're even further complicated by language barriers.

    Thankfully, Sepio Guard Away From Home Assurance is for everyone. Whether you're taking a day trip an hour or two away from home, going on a weekend getaway, or taking that once in a lifetime trip, you will have the peace of mind knowing you and your family are always protected.

  • Getting Covered Is Simple

    • No Deductibles
    • No Age Limits
    • No Health Evaluation
    • No Dollar Limits
    • Lifetime & Worldwide Coverage
  • Working With Funeral Homes

    • Sepio Guard will oversee all the necessary steps for the retrieval of your remains.
    • Sepio Guard will coordinate the transportation of the deceased to a local funeral home while keeping family and loved ones updated throughout the process.
    • Sepio Guard, along with our preferred logistics and shipping specialists, have over 35 years of experience in the funeral industry and have established relationships with trusted and licensed funeral home partners all over the world.
  • SEPIO Guard Benefits

    • If a death occurs 75 or more miles away from home, Sepio Guard will take care of all costs, logistics, and transportation needed to get your body back home.
    • Sepio Guard will coordinate with local officials and hosptials to arrange for transportation.
    • Sepio Guard will request and gather all necessary permits and documentation.
    • If needed, Sepio Guard will notify and work with foreign authorities to obtain permits needed for transportation.
    • Embalming or cremation services are taken care of by Sepio Guard with no additional costs falling onto loved ones.
    • All costs pertaining to the transportation of your body to a local funeral home are fully covered.
  • Payment Options

    • One time payment of $499 for lifetime coverage.



How To Get Started

Fill out submission form below

SEPIO Guard Pre-Submission Form

Biographical Information

Your social security number will be needed when the formal submission is completed. We will personally contact you to receive that information.

Contact Information (This is considered your permanent residence)

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